
GR Japan is entrusted by numerous leading global health-related organizations, leveraging our expert and specialized global health team. Our team possesses in-depth sectoral knowledge and maintains unparalleled networks spanning national government, Diet members, local governments, academia, key opinion leaders (KOLs), and the private sector.

In the realm of Global Health, GR Japan's work extends to the development of clients' government networks, executing targeted advocacy campaigns with specific objectives, facilitating the acquisition of government funding, and contributing to the formulation of policy recommendations or new legislation. Our track record includes the design and implementation of impactful campaigns that have played pivotal roles in shaping government policies, introducing new legislation, influencing decisions to increase funding for various initiatives, and garnering support from lawmakers and public officials for specific global health issues.

What sets GR Japan apart is our unparalleled access to legislative stakeholders, along with regular engagement with key Diet members actively involved in the Global Health field. This unique position allows us to navigate the intricacies of the legislative landscape and effectively advocate for our clients in the dynamic and critical realm of global health.